Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Take my Advice for the First Time You Snowboard

Take my Advice for the First Time You Snowboard

I purchased season passes for my two boys’, my husband and me for Christmas. My husband has been wanting to take us snowboarding as a family for around 10 years or more.... So, I decided to make his little dream come true. My husband and boys where so excited however, I didn't feel the same as they did. I was nervous about this whole adventure that my husband was about to take me on.

I am very athletic and in shape. I played soccer in high school and stayed in shape after having two boys, with going to the gym. I thought to myself," I can do this, just has long as I can get over my fear of heights". After spending thousands of dollars for passes and gear for the four of us, it was time to finally hit the slopes.

After sitting my little bum on the ski lift my anxiety went crazy. My heart started pounding and I looked down and told myself," Oh lord please don't let me fall of this rough looking ski lift". I closed my eyes all the way up the lift, until my husband told me to lift the safety bar and get ready to get off the lift. "Oh, my word", was the thoughts going in my head. I fell hard and started rolling down the landing pad. Now this is when I realized that I do not feel 20 years old any more. After several hard falls throughout the day on hard iced packed snow, I went home and felt like a crippled old woman.

I wanted to share my advice with anyone who is in their thirty's wanting to learn how to snowboard. First, purchase a butt pad that will protect your tail bone. I fell on my tail bone so hard and too many times that it is severally bruised. I must sit on one butt cheek at a time for a couple of months now. Make sure and wear warm gloves, and socks. On your first day, you will be swimming in the snow a lot so it is very important to wear extra layers. Next, make sure you do not go snowboarding for the first time unless there is a lot of snow and fresh powder, to lessen the chance of getting injured from falling. Wearing a helmet is a very smart idea because you will end up slamming the back of your head into the snow. The smartest advice I could give someone about learning how to snowboard is to hire a personal trainer instead of having your husband teach you!

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